Public Spay & Neuter Program

Canine Appointment Form

Please fill out this form completely. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation email and your animal will be added to our waiting list. Please fill out and submit a separate form for each dog you are wanting to add to our waitlist. Once an appointment is available, you will receive a call with a date for your animal’s surgery appointment, at that time, the full payment is going to be collected. This form is for canine appointments only. Rabbit and Cat appointments must call Nicole directly and leave a message at 772-600-3203.

Owner Information:

First Name:
Last Name:

Animal Information

Pet's Name
Pet's Age
Date of Birth
Primary Breed
Secondary Breed
Estimate of Current Weight:
Does your animal appear to have an umbilical hernia? (This will look like a bump on the abdomen)
For MALE pets only. Have both testicles dropped?:
I understand that if one of both testicles have not dropped, there will an additional fee to go into the abdomen and remove the testicles. Fees are listed below..
In the past 12 months, has your animal undergone medical treatment or surgery? If so, please briefly describe:
Which day of the week would you prefer your appointment to be scheduled on?

Please select what package/services you would like your animal to receive. Please note that animals must be 4 months of age at the time of surgery to receive rabies vaccine.
$125 - Canine Spay/ Neuter Standard Package under 40 pounds Includes pre-surgical exam, anesthesia, surgery, tattoo, rabies vaccine*, microchip, nail trim, and 24-houranalgesia injection (pain medication)::
$150 - Canine Spay/ Neuter Standard Package over 40 pounds Includes pre-surgical exam, anesthesia, surgery, tattoo, rabies vaccine*, microchip, nail trim, and 24-houranalgesia injection (pain medication)::
$275 - Under 40lbs - Canine Spay/ Neuter Deluxe Package Includes pre-surgical exam, pre-surgical bloodwork(CBC/Chemistry), anesthesia, surgery, tattoo, rabiesvaccine*, microchip, nail trim, e-collar, 24 hour analgesia injection and 5 days post-operative pain management, and post-operative sedation if indicated byveterinarian::
$300 - Canine Spay/ Neuter Deluxe Package over 40 pounds Includes pre-surgical exam, pre-surgical bloodwork(CBC/Chemistry), anesthesia, surgery, tattoo, rabiesvaccine*, microchip, nail trim, e-collar, 24-hour analgesia injection and 5 days post-operative pain management, and post-operative sedation if indicated byveterinarian::
$50 – Umbilical hernia repair. If your animal has a hernia, our vets will recommend the repair at the time of their surgery. (If hernia is found at the time ofsurgery HSTC will contact owner to confirm the repair and collect payment)::
$50 – Cryptorchid Surgery Meaning one or both testicles have not dropped. It is an additional $50 per testicle, if neither testicle has dropped it is anadditional $100 for surgery. ::
$15 – DA2PP Vaccine Distemper, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, & Parvovirus.::
$15 - Bordetella Vaccine Kennel Cough ::
$10 – E-Collar Cone to keep your animal from licking open their incision, this is not included in the standard package. ::
$100 – Pre-surgical Blood Panel Bloodwork is only available for patients undergoing spay/neuter surgery at HSTC. Bloodwork is highly recommend on patients 5years and older. If blood cannot be obtained from patient pre-anesthesia, the patient will be sedated to collect and run the sample.::